Sunday, December 9, 2007






By Sandi Hunter

1. Make the most of FREE Promotion Sites! There are lost of places on the web where you can list and promote your ezine free, one example is John Labowitz' listing at

2. If you are a Worldprofit customer you can add your ezine at no cost, to the directory listing at

3. Every email you send out should include a Signature File. You can customize this Signature File using the options in your email program to include your web site address, contact information, and the fact that you offer a free newsletter detailing briefly how people will benefit by receiving it.

4. Get as much exposure for your newsletter as you can by placing the subscribe area for your ezine throughout your site. Place it in a very prominent position on your web site, close to the top of the page is most effective. Repetition in the web site will help increase your subscriber list.

5. On your business cards always include not only your URL (web site address) but also give a reason for people to visit your site by promoting that they can get a free ezine just for visiting your web site.

6. When dealing with customers and prospects by phone, email, and in person ask if they'd like to receive your free newsletter and then tell them how to get it. If they give you express permission to add their email address to your list then do so but always remember to give people a choice, don't automatically add them as this would be spam. Spam is sending Unsolicited Commercial Email to people.

7. Submit the URL of your ezine subscription page by hand for best results to the major search engines.

For the other smaller search directories you may want to consider purchasing an automated submission program or hire a service such as Incor Enterprises Search Registration, details at

8. If you are a Worldprofit dealer use the DealerSwap area to let other dealers know about your ezine and what they will get if they subscribe. The Worldprofit dealer network is an excellent place to get started and share resources while building your subscriber list.

9. Use free classified ad sites to post a promotional ad for your newsletter. Make sure you tell people the benefits of getting your ezine or newsletter. Build in the value, the exclusivity, the special offers etc. It's not enough to say "our newsletter is great". Tell people exactly what they will get when they subscribe and how they will benefit.

To find free classified sites, go to any search engine and do a search, but here are a few to get you started.

10. Run ad swaps with other ezine publishers you know. Here is how to do this, tell them you will run a 35 word ad in your ezine promoting their site or ezine if they will do the same for you. Both of you then benefit from their readership.Now, that you have some ways to build up your subscriber base, let's look at some ways to keep subscribers on your ezine list.

Rule # 1 - Don't send junk! Send information that will benefit the viewer and that they will want to continue to receive. If your ezine is about how to improve your health make sure that you are providing that to your readers. If your newsletter is about increasing site traffic, make sure you offer that. If you send information that is of little value, that is not of benefit and is readily available in other places, people will no longer want to receive your ezine.

Rule # 2 - Create excitement and keep reader interest. Here' one idea on how to do this. Run a series of articles, where you run Part 1 today, Part 2 next week, Part 3 the following week etc. If the information is of good value people will watch for the next issue so they can get the next part of the series. Always state, "Next week we will be looking at 10 things you can do for FREE to increase your ranking at search engines - you won't want to miss this critical information!

Rule # 3 - Always honor remove requests promptly! Make removal instructions very clear and easy to follow unless you like getting hate mail. Don't get frustrated if people ask to be removed it may have less to do with your ezine and more to do with them. Some people change email addresses, they get too much email and are trying to reduce the volume etc. The bottom line is that for every removal you should get some new subscribers if you are following my suggestions.

Rule # 4 - If you are using an automated mail program like a listserve to send out your ezine, it will likely have a removal message that you can customize. Within this message, you should state something like this as an effort to remind people of what they will miss out on by unsubscribing.

"We have received and honored your request for Removal from the Traffic Tips Newsletter. However you should know that you will be missing out on ways to increase your traffic, increase your ranking at search engines, how to create banners that get 50% more clicks, how to double your newsletter list subscribers and more. If you wish to change your mind please go to and you can add your address again or leave at any time! "

Rule # 5 - NEVER add email addresses to your newsletter list unless they have specifically told you they would like to receive it, to avoid problems it is often best to tell people the address to go to to subscribe so there is no confusion. Ezines and newsletters are a voluntary service you are offering and spam is never a solution for increasing the size of your subscriber list.

Rule # 6 - Make offers to your readers to build in exclusivity. Similar to frequent buyer programs or buyer loyalty programs, make sure your subscribers get some perks for being on your mailing list. M,ake them aware first of new products, special introductory offers, etc. Unlike print advertising where it is very difficult and often expensive to test offers, you can do this quickly and easily be email. Write an offer, make it available for a limited time. Do this, get this now to motivate action. If you don't get a good response, rewrite the offer, strengthen it, change it, polish it so it is more appealing, run the offer again in your ezine and wait for the result.

Rule # 7 - Keep your content fresh! There are tens of thousands of articles on the web by authors that are most willing to let you reprint them provided they are given credit. Always ask permission before reprinting. Consider too, writing your own articles. If you are a physician who's specialty is holistic health care, share your knowledge, it adds to your credibility, helps your readers, and will be free promotion for your own business. If you know other physicians or health care providers who have similar information to share ask them if they would like to be a guest author! If you'd like to run some of my articles and those of my colleagues, email,

Rule # 8 - Organize your ezine in a manner that allows readers to parse the information. Remember that people often get volumes of information by email, if you overwhelm them, and pack to much information in that can not be absorbed, readers may pass on continuing to receive your publication.

Instead, focus on one or two topics per issue, make a few offers, run some ads, promotion for your own business and services etc. But keep it neat, simple, and easy to read. Make sure your contact information, web site address is easy to find.

Rule # 9 - Subscribe to other popular ezines to see how they structure their ezine, the kind of content they send, and analyze what you like about them and what you don't like. If there are ezines that you like to receive ask yourself why you like to receive them. Consider how you may use similar ideas within your own publication. Start by subscribing to the free ezines listed at for ideas.

Rule # 10 - Have fun writing your ezine! Afterall you are a publisher now reaching out to other countries all over the world! Keep your newsletter fun, informative and helpful and your readers will appreciate your enthusiasm often moving from being a reader to a lifetime customer. Add your own personality and pizazz!

About the Author: Sandi Hunter, is the Director of Web Site Development for Worldprofit at

Get "DesignProfit" a weekly ezine devoted to helping you create a profitable web site based on proven marketing strategies. Subscribe FREE at

Let our experts review your site and give you a 10 point checklist on exactly what you can do to improve your results, email,

1 comment:

otr214422 said...

Work from home theory is fast gaining popularity because of the freedom and flexibility that comes with it. Since one is not bound by fixed working hours, they can schedule their work at the time when they feel most productive and convenient to them. Women & Men benefit a lot from this concept of work since they can balance their home and work perfectly. People mostly find that in this situation, their productivity is higher and stress levels lower. Those who like isolation and a tranquil work environment also tend to prefer this way of working. Today, with the kind of communication networks available, millions of people worldwide are considering this option.

Women & Men who want to be independent but cannot afford to leave their responsibilities at home aside will benefit a lot from this concept of work. It makes it easier to maintain a healthy balance between home and work. The family doesn't get neglected and you can get your work done too. You can thus effectively juggle home responsibilities with your career. Working from home is definitely a viable option but it also needs a lot of hard work and discipline. You have to make a time schedule for yourself and stick to it. There will be a time frame of course for any job you take up and you have to fulfill that project within that time frame.

There are many things that can be done working from home. A few of them is listed below that will give you a general idea about the benefits of this concept.

This is the most common and highly preferred job that Women & Men like doing. Since in today's competitive world both the parents have to work they need a secure place to leave behind their children who will take care of them and parents can also relax without being worried all the time. In this job you don't require any degree or qualifications. You only have to know how to take care of children. Parents are happy to pay handsome salary and you can also earn a lot without putting too much of an effort.

For those who have a garden or an open space at your disposal and are also interested in gardening can go for this method of earning money. If given proper time and efforts nursery business can flourish very well and you will earn handsomely. But just as all jobs establishing it will be a bit difficult but the end results are outstanding.

Freelance can be in different wings. Either you can be a freelance reporter or a freelance photographer. You can also do designing or be in the advertising field doing project on your own. Being independent and working independently will depend on your field of work and the availability of its worth in the market. If you like doing jewellery designing you can do that at home totally independently. You can also work on freelancing as a marketing executive working from home. Wanna know more, email us on and we will send you information on how you can actually work as a marketing freelancer.

Internet related work
This is a very vast field and here sky is the limit. All you need is a computer and Internet facility. Whatever field you are into work at home is perfect match in the software field. You can match your time according to your convenience and complete whatever projects you get. To learn more about how to work from home, contact us today on workfromhome.otr214422@gmail.comand our team will get you started on some excellent work from home projects.

Diet food
Since now a days Women & Men are more conscious of the food that they eat hence they prefer to have homemade low cal food and if you can start supplying low cal food to various offices then it will be a very good source of income and not too much of efforts. You can hire a few ladies who will help you out and this can be a good business.

Thus think over this concept and go ahead.