Sunday, December 9, 2007



By George Kosch, Sandi Hunter, and Dr. Jeffrey Lant

As the new year opens it's time to predict what will happen on the Internet in the next 365 days with a view towards positioning you for maximum profit as quickly as possible. Our predictions fall into three categories: technical, web site development, and marketing.

Each of us will make our fearless predictions in our own special area of expertise. To start our crystal gazing here's our webmeister extraordinaire - George Kosch.

Internet Technical Predications for 1998

Worldprofit's Webmaster George Kosch, MSc.

The number one technical development of 1998 will be a more efficient and organized Internet backbone. More money than ever will be invested to improve and expand the bandwidth capability of the Internet. What this means for you is faster access, less waiting time, better connectivity and the ability to move information faster. Despite the fact that in 1998 millions more people worldwide will access the Internet you won't have to wait any longer than you have to now.

Looking into my crystal ball, my second prediction is that the Microsoft Explorer browser will clearly dominate the Internet as a whole. This will bring to a halt the multi-year browser war between Microsoft and Netscape with a clear cut Microsoft victory. Translation? If you own Netscape stock sell now!

My third prediction is that in late 1998 technical developments will have progressed to the point where 30 second streaming video clips and video conferencing will become commercially viable for the first time. This means that you can arrange and participate in video conferencing right from your office and that you can introduce your products in a brief (30 second) video clip from your site. These developments are only possible because of the improved bandwidth.

Web Site Development Predictions for 1998

Worldprofit Director of Web Site Development Sandi Hunter weighs in with her insightful predications Prediction number one. The current drop in web site prices will continue in 1998. Over the last several years he cost of developing a web site has continued to decline despite the enormous increase in potential visitors. Just 1000 days ago, with traffic on the Internet worldwide a tiny fraction of what it is today, ridiculously high prices were being charged to advertisers. Net result? Big losses and disappointment. Right now we're in a new phase whereby newcomers to the Internet, including enormous numbers of new businesses, will get more space, more services and technically superior sites for lots less money.

Prediction number two. Fancy is out in 1998. What people will want for their web site and what savvy Internet designers will deliver is client-centered value information. Klunky graphics are passe. Sites which are difficult to navigate and filled with non-functioning applets will clearly indicate that both owner and designer are old fashioned and out of touch with the latest in advances.

Prediction number three. Do it yourself is out. In the early days of the Internet many people decided they could design a fabulous site all by themselves. As a result lots of putrid sites were created and lots of blue language filled the air.

In 1998 more and more smart people will come to the conclusion about the Internet that they long to ago came to in regard to accounting, taxes and legal problems: get professional assistance! Over the last few years webmasters and web designers have got smarter, better and more professional about creating cutting edge sites. No longer can people sitting at home in their living rooms without experience expect to produce web sites that challenge the technical and design proficiency of the professionals. Creating your own amateur hodge-podge site with lots of bits and pieces will not enable you to compete successfully or meet your profit objectives.

Marketing Predictions for 1998

Worldprofit Co-founder and internationally syndicated columnist Dr. Jeffrey Lant projects these three marketing developments. Prediction number one. More people with web sites will upgrade to their own domain. People with web experience, particularly small and medium sized businesses will recognize that having their own domain makes more economic sense and is both easy to develop and keep up to date. Hitherto, lots of non-technical people have avoided getting their own domain because they thought it would be "hard." Domains, however are now a household word and not having one will definitely put a business at a competitive disadvantage.

Marketing prediction number two. More businesses will realize that they can maximize customer and prospect contact with a listserver. Smart businesses have now proven that regular email contact with prospects and customers makes money and outdistances their competitors who use traditional marketing. They know that with an inexpensive listserver program they can send unlimited non-spam subscription email and that the more they send, the lower the cost. This is exactly opposite to traditional mail and telephone marketing where the more you use the more you pay. Thus, businesses will rush to acquire one or more listservers.

Prediction number three. Traffic development is king. Not so long ago, the big thing was just being on the web. In 1998 the key element will be traffic development. Traffic development equals profit! Smart businesses will carefully evaluate and select traffic generating tools including: links from high traffic sites, banners within high traffic sites and other high visibility positions within high traffic sites. Smart businesses will do everything possible to link and be associated with high traffic entities.

Prediction number ten from all three experts. The Worldprofit Malls at will attract well over 50 million visitors in 1998!

Dr. Jeffrey Lant, Sandi Hunter and George Kosch are Co-Founders of Worldprofit at

For all your on and offline design needs, go to World Design Services at

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